Quality requirements for suppliers and Rollvis subcontractors


This instruction IT RAQ 004 defines the quality management system requirements to be applied by the suppliers of ROLLVIS SA. The term supplier refers to both a supplier and a subcontractor. This instruction applies to all suppliers / subcontractors involved in the manufacturing of our product or services where EN 9100 requirements are required (Aero).
ISO 9001 Certification Icon


The requirements of ISO 9001 and EN 9100 latest version are applicable.

Ideally, the supplier should have an EN 9100 certification; in the event that the supplier is not certified, a preliminary audit of its quality system will be carried out by ROLLVIS with a view to its qualification.

Quality management system requirements according to EN 9100 (aerospace)

Document Control

The supplier must define the method to control the issued records and its archiving.

Product registrations :

Records relating to benefits :

The records must be archived by the supplier. By default, the archiving period is 30 years, unless otherwise stipulated in our order.

Document control

Supplier agrees not to transmit any information, documents or materials to any third party without the approval of ROLLVIS.

Management's Responsibility

Listening to the customer

The supplier shall ensure that performance in terms of product compliance and on-time delivery is measured and that appropriate actions are taken if the expected results are not, or will not be, achieved.



Resource management

The Supplier shall ensure that the qualification of its personnel is in line with existing work positions. If requested, the supplier must be able to prove the qualification of its personnel (internal or external training).

The supplier must make its staff aware of :

    • the importance of ethical behavior of each person.
    • the personal contribution of each person on the conformity and safety of the product.

The supplier must inform Rollvis of any changes in its infrastructure that present a risk to the quality of the product or service (relocation, relocation of machines, reorganization, machines, software, etc.).




The Supplier shall implement an organization capable of planning our order in accordance with the contractually agreed requirements (quality, deadline, etc.).

Review of product requirements

The Supplier must ensure during the order review that it has all the documents required for the performance of its service and claim them from Rollvis if they are not available to it.

Any deviation from the planned and announced schedule must be communicated to ROLLVIS as soon as possible.

Purchasing and subcontracting

The raw material will be supplied by ROLLVIS which will be identified by a color code according to IT instruction ACH 002. No transfer of activity will be permitted without the consent of ROLLVIS, if transfer is necessary after agreement, the Rollvis supplier shall enforce the requirements of IT RAQ 004 on its supplier.

The supplier’s incoming inspection must ensure that the materials and components received comply with the requirements specified on the ROLLVIS purchase orders.

The supplier must guarantee the traceability of the documentation relating to each delivery (link between the purchase order, the declaration of conformity and the control or analysis reports if required).


The supplier shall document the work processes, production documents (e.g., routings, follow-up sheets, operation sheets, production orders, work instructions and control documents). The supplier shall ensure the quantitative monitoring of the products during production (e.g. quantities of parts, split launches, non-conformities) as well as proof that all production and control operations have been carried out as planned. Any changes in production processes must be reported to ROLLVIS.

The supplier must ensure the identification of the products throughout the production stages in order to prove the link between the documentation in force and the product produced.

Supplier shall maintain an up-to-date list of tooling, test equipment and products owned or supplied by Rollvis.

Supplier shall take all necessary measures to ensure the preservation of the materials, product, components, equipment, tools which are the property of ROLLVIS.

This preservation includes handling, conditioning, storage and packaging upon delivery.

Each delivery will be accompanied by the following delivery documents:

    • Delivery note
    • Monitoring report(s) or ISP if requested
    • Declaration(s) of conformity according to NF L00-015
    • Non-conformity sheet(s) validated by both parties if existing.
    • Waiver request(s) validated by both parties if existing.

The supplier must ensure that it does not use counterfeit parts (or materials) in its products and must therefore :

    • train relevant personnel
    • obtain supplies from authorized sources.
    • know the origin of all parts (or materials) by requiring the appropriate certificates of conformity and origin.
    • Isolate parts and notify Rollvis if counterfeit or suspected counterfeit parts are detected.
    • Be able to respond to requests for information regarding the source of any parts (or materials).

Control of special processes

Any special process will be subject to a special description by the supplier (work instruction) qualified and validated by ROLLVIS. ROLLVIS will ensure by means of internal audit that these procedures are complied with.

Control of monitoring and measuring devices

The supplier shall ensure that the control and measuring equipment is calibrated and/or verified at specified intervals or before use against measurement standards related to international or national measurement standards.

Records of calibration and verification results must be kept.

Measurement, analysis and improvement

Quality system monitoring

Supplier agrees to provide ROLLVIS, its customers and regulatory authorities with the right of access to appropriate company premises and applicable documented information.

Product monitoring and measurement

The supplier must monitor and measure the product characteristics at appropriate stages of the production process in accordance with the planned arrangements (follow-up sheets, control instructions, etc.).

Proof of conformity to specifications must be recorded (inspection report) and provided to ROLLVIS upon delivery.

Control of non-compliant product

Supplier shall inform ROLLVIS of any non-compliance that cannot be corrected in a conventional manner.

The nonconformity shall be recorded according to the principle in place at the supplier (nonconformity sheet).

In the event that the defect cannot be corrected in a conventional manner, the supplier shall send a request for a waiver to ROLLVIS in order to decide on the action to be taken.


Any non-conformity detected by ROLLVIS will be documented in the NCG system and sent to the supplier who will take the necessary steps to correct the problem within 10 days.

The supplier will provide proof of the implementation of corrective / preventive action(s) via a DAC Corrective Action Request (FO RAQ 117) in order to prevent a recurrence of the detected defect.

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